Sunday 29 June 2014

How Beautiful LIFE is.....

LIFE is very beautiful and very precious but it’s not so easy. It’s a long journey and we are just the travelers.
It has problems too, and the challenge lies in facing them with courage.  In life we do many mistakes and mistakes are painful when they happen but years latter collections of mistakes is called experience which leads to success.

  Life has two sides as a coin. At one time it gives us happiness,success,victory and many more unexpected things that we never thought before and at another time its full of sorrow, defeat and life gets painful,horrible and unfair but only one side is visible at a time but remember another side is waiting for its turn. But don’t so worry about that because good moments give you happiness and bad moment’s gives you experience and all those bad moment occurs to test the limits and strength of our soul.


    We should wake up every day in morning and thankful to god for giving us another chance to see a new day and we should start the day with a positive thought that something wonderful is about to happen and appreciate every moments and every things that life gives you.


  Make every day count, Do whatever your heart matter what other will think about you because you are living your own life. so don’t live your life impressing others but live your life for impressing yourself and never change your originality for the sake of others because nobody can play your role better than you so be yourself and do your best to be good one.


  Some of the best day of your life hasn't happened yet so never stop believing in hope because miracle happens every day……

                        KEEP SMILING…JJ
                                       LIVE WELL……LAUGH OFTEN….LOVE MUCH….
                                                                      THANK U……